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4115 Blalock Rd.
Houston, Texas 77080

Welcome to Concordia Lutheran Church, a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Pastor's Message

Concordia Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas holds services each Sunday at 9 a.m. & Bible study at 10:15 a.m.

Sing to the Lord, a new song


Psalm 98:1      Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things!
His right hand and His holy arm have worked salvation for Him.

 In those portions of Islam that are not openly hostile to Christianity, believers are called “people of the book.” It is a fitting title for those who follow the Christ. He is explicitly called “the Word,” in the beginning verses of the Gospel of John. He is the culmination of every word of every prophecy and covenant in the Old Testament. He is the reason, the source, the topic, and the end all of every word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, chapter, and book of the New Testament. We live and breathe because of the Word of God. We have forgiveness, grace, peace, salvation, and eternal life because of the Word of God Himself. But, how is this Word communicated?

 There is the proclamation of the promise and fulfillment of the Messiah and His work for us. There is the written Word that we guard, cherish, and reread repeatedly, privately and publicly. There is the Word broadcast by our lives of faith and the works that flow from faith. But we often forget the Word delivered in what may be God’s favorite way. The Word sung!

 If you were to look at the Old Testament you would see that God created and truly loves song, especially when the song is His declaring His will, or ours declaring His praises. We can simply point to the longest book, Psalms, which is nothing but songs from, about, or to God. We can also look closer at the other books and see that frequently the Word is put into poetry (song). In fact most of the prophecies given by all those prophets through the years is inspired, delivered, and written as song.

 Why song? Well, you ask a wonderful question. Song sticks quicker and surer in the mind and memory. Why else would Kindergarten teachers years ago put the alphabet in a tune, but to more easily teach the ABCs to the young ones. We still remember “my baloney has a first name its’ O S C A R,” or “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz.” Those simple, silly words are forever ingrained in our minds through music, and so it goes with the Word of God. The song plants the Word deeper and deeper in our hearts and minds.

 Song also releases us. It frees up our emotions. It stirs up the caked, hardened and baked on hurts, fears, and worries, allowing them to be shaken out, disposed off, and cast off. Song also helps us to reach the very heights of thanks, praise, joy, exaltation, and peace. Song gives an auditory fore-taste of the marriage feast of the Lamb in heaven (which is why all the hymns of the angels and saints are recorded in Revelation). Song truly is a God-given treasure.

  In His peace, Pastor Red Etzel