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4115 Blalock Rd.
Houston, Texas 77080

Welcome to Concordia Lutheran Church, a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.


The latest news at Concordia Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas.



Also, the new Altar Flower Chart for 2025 is posted in Classroom A.  We have not been notified of any increases in cost, so the bouquets are still $30.00.  Flowers may be given in honor / memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion as a birthday or anniversary.  As time nears for your chosen placement date, payment may be noted for “altar flowers” and placed in the Women’s Club mailbox.  (Checks made payable to Concordia Women’s Club).

The Annual Turkey Dinner / Silent Auction is set for Sunday, March 2, 12 noon in the Fellowship Hall. You are invited to enjoy a meal of baked turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, dessert, and beverages. A silent auction will also be held for you to peruse and place a bid on items you like and want. Freewill donation for the meal.



 Special Needs Social Group

As young adults transition from high school classes through the Special Ed programs and sponsored work assignments, they lose touch with peers, and in some cases become isolated in our busy world. We are serving these individuals in our community, ages 18-35, with a safe place to meet once a month (second Sunday of each month) to reconnect with peers, and hopefully, make new friends.