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4115 Blalock Rd.
Houston, Texas 77080

Welcome to Concordia Lutheran Church, a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.


The latest news at Concordia Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas.


Sixty three Hygiene Kits for Orphan Grain Train were assembled on Friday, April 12, by 9 Women’s Club members and friends.

Thank you to members of the congregation for your generous donations and to Thrivent Financial for providing additional funds to purchase hygiene kit items.

We look forward to our next Kit assembly in the late summer.


Thank you, members and friends, for your support of the Women’s Club Turkey Dinner and Auction on Sunday, February 11, 2024.  It was a great success, with the generous proceeds going to help fund LWML mites (mission grants), and also aid in the support of the work of the congregation.


Serving the Lord with Gladness!